Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pattern Designing - Not As Easy As You Might Think

Patterns do not design themselves. They aren't that easy. My family laughs at me when I am trying to come up with all the math required to complete the design. They don't understand that there is more to knitting and patterns than just sticks and string. It takes many calculations, practice, and sometimes hours and hours of ripping back and starting all over again. With 3 kids and two very rambunctious 8 week old puppies around, my life is fairly insane. Trying to get any knitting or pattern writing done is a matter of juggling school, activities, vacations, my husband's job and trips to the park. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my life and my family. Knitting is my passion and if I have to stay up til 3 am to finish a design then so be it. It's what I do. Even as I write this my 3 year old has decided to take his clothes off and run around the living room dragging a ball of yarn behind him so the puppies will chase him. This is my life. And I love it. I hope that you will follow along with me as I write about my life as a mother, wife, and passion of knitting and all that comes with it. Not only will I write about my life, but I will be writing about my patterns for sale on either Etsy or Ravelry. I will share pictures as well. It's a crazy journey but will be much more fun with all of you sharing it with me. Happy Knitting!

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